Ligandrol (LGD-4033) SARM: What It Is, Uses and Benefits, and More.
Ligandrol, also known as LGD-4033, is a widely used SARM, and highly popular amongst athletes, bodybuilders, and fitness freaks. In recent years, it has seen a sharp incline in sales, and more and more people worldwide have started to recognize it for its effects.
With all the hype, there’s no question that many people are intrigued and want to buy Ligandrol (LGD-4033). But before you click “buy”, make sure that you acquaint yourself with the background of Ligandrol, I.e. how it works, what it does, and more.
To know all about it, keep reading as we tell you what Ligandrol is, how you can use it, and more.
Table of Contents
What are SARMS?
Before we tell you about Ligandrol, also referred to as LGD-4033 (1), a powerful substance and part of a class of compounds known as SARMS (2), you need to know what SARMS are.
SARMS, which stands for Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator, is a category of substances that bind with the body’s androgen receptors and produce anabolic results in both bone and muscle. This means that you see an increase in muscle gain, improved bone density, reduced fat content, and more when you consume SARMS. However, SARMS also serves as a treatment for osteoporosis (a disease in which the bones become weak) and muscle wastage, and even lowered sex drive.
One of the main reasons people prefer SARMS like Ligandrol (LGD-4033) capsules to steroids, despite them having similar characteristics and effects is that SARMS have lower androgenic effects. That means adverse side-effects like enlargement of the testes and prostate aren’t observed when you consume SARMS, unlike when you take steroids.
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What Is Ligandrol (LGD-4033) SARM?
As we mentioned above, Ligandrol is a type of SARM known for having high potency and a high affinity towards androgen receptors, leading to quicker and enhanced results.