What Can I Learn with a First Aid Certificate?
Most of us have heard of First Aid and earning your First Aid certificate, but what does this involve?
Here, we’re taking a closer look at First Aid certification courses and the many skills you can gain from these programs. We walk through the different types of injuries and emergencies that First Aid can respond to and details some reasons why you should certainly consider learning First Aid. Now that you can take 100 percent online First Aid training classes, it’s never been easier to learn these skills.
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According to the Save a Life initiative, First Aid refers to the “emergency or immediate care you should provide when a person is injured or ill until full medical treatment is available.” If the wound is minor (such as a small cut or bruise), First Aid may be sufficient for treating the victim. However, in most cases, First Aid is designed only as a temporary measure to keep the victim stable until they can access medical personnel.
While it makes sense for nurses, doctors, and those in the medical field to receive First Aid training, we believe that everyone could benefit from First Aid certificate. You never know when a medical emergency will strike. More likely than not, the victim of an emergency will usually be far from a hospital or professional medical care. This is when a bystander (trained and certified in First Aid) can make a major impact.
By providing First Aid, you can save lives. Let’s use cardiac arrest as an example. If someone suffers from cardiac arrest and doesn’t immediately receive CPR, their survival rate plummets. In fact, for every minute that passes without CPR or some type of First Aid, the victim’s mortality rate increases by 10 percent. By being trained in CPR and other forms of First Aid, you can potentially be the difference between life and death for someone experiencing a medical emergency.
In addition to saving lives, learning First Aid can also make you a more confident, secure person. Those around you will be comforted that you can provide fundamental First Aid, and your household will become a safer place.
Read: Health Coach Certification
Most types of medical training are pretty straightforward. In a CPR certification course, you’d expect to learn CPR. But since First Aid covers so many different kinds of injuries and ailments, what exactly do you learn from a First Aid certification class?