5 Ways to Improve the Quality of Your Drinking Water
“Water is the driving force of nature” is a famous and accurate quote by Leonardo da Vinci. Every living organism needs water, but where humans are concerned, not do any water. We need pure water that is safe for drinking. And despite the abundance of water on our planet, most of the available water isn’t safe for drinking.
There are several health benefits of drinking pure water. For one, pure water keeps you healthy and deals with problems of obesity. Also, your body digests food better, and wastes are more efficiently cleared. All these reasons and more necessitate the need to take the quality of your drinking water seriously.
According to a study conducted in 2018, millions of Americans are drinking potentially unsafe water. In this article, we discuss how to improve the quality of your drinking water. Here they are.
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Improve the Quality of Your Drinking Water
Install filters
Installing water filters will improve the quality of your drinking water by reducing the level of contaminants. Water filters are designed in different sizes and shapes. And, the one you go for will depend on your household needs. However, it’s common to see households using faucet-mounted and built-in filters.
Over time, contaminants such as dirt, metals, and microorganisms will build up in the filters. And this can affect the ability of the filters to function correctly. Built-up contaminants can also pollute your drinking water. And this requires you to clean or replace your water filter periodically. The manufacturer’s instruction manual will tell you when to replace or clean the filters.
Replace old pipes and plumbing
Old pipes and plumbing can compromise the quality of your drinking water by leaking contaminants. This is especially true for galvanized copper plumbing that leaks lead into the water with age. High levels of lead in water are detrimental to the body due to the risk of organ damage. For this reason, use non-lead pipes and fixtures for your plumbing. And if you must use any galvanized copper plumbing, the percentage of lead shouldn’t exceed 0.25%.
After installing new plumbing, flush the piles with cold water for about 5 minutes once a day for the first three days. This is to prevent sand, dirt, or debris from polluting the water or causing operating issues.
Use a reverse osmosis system.
A reverse osmosis system is a practical and straightway of improving drinking water quality at home or in the workplace. Using a series of filters and membranes, the reverse osmosis system removes harmful chemicals and contaminants from water. Lead, nitrate, iron, mercury, zinc, manganese, and cadmium are some of the metal contaminants reverse osmosis systems remove from water. Particles, such as dust, rust, and dirt, are also removed and volatile organic compounds. And the result is high-quality, safe, and filtered drinking water that can easily be stored and used as needed.